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Body Features: Multifactorial Symptoms
Saturday, July 25, 2009
New Orleans Ballroom (Pheasant Run Resort and Conference Center)
What are the whole-body effects of autism? What is seen in clinical practice? How is screening initiated for gut, brain, immune, metabolic disorders? What do whole-body intake, labs, referrals look like?
Bryan L. Jepson, M.D.
Associate Medical Director
Thoughtful House Center for Children
Bryan Jepson, M.D. is a physician who specializes in the medical treatment of people with autism spectrum disorders. He is a board-certified emergency medicine physician who became involved in autism care after his own son was diagnosed in 2001. He founded the Children's Biomedical Center of Utah in 2002 and joined the staff of Thoughtful House Center for Children in January 2006. Thoughtful House is a treatment and research center in Austin, Texas, dedicated to the care of ASDs and other neurodevelopmental disorders. He is the author of Changing the Course of Autism, published in summer 2006.