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Stress Autonomics: Stress and Single Subject Studies Complex Information for Complex Cases: Wearable Monitors
Saturday, July 25, 2009
New Orleans Ballroom (Pheasant Run Resort and Conference Center)
What might be escalating behind the apparent flat affect often seen in autism? Do meltdowns really come out of nowhere? How can innovative wearable stress monitoring technologies help to de-escalate stress before it gets out of control? Stress reactivity can differ greatly from person to person in autism and there are rigorous ways to research this individuality.
Matthew Goodwin, Ph.D.
MIT - The Media Laboratory
Matthew S. Goodwin, Ph.D., is the Director of Clinical Research at the MIT Media Laboratory and Associate Director of Research at the Groden Center. He is well acquainted with a variety of experimental methods and statistical approaches and has extensive experience using innovative technologies with persons on the autism spectrum.