Inclusion Time, It's Critical: Strategies for Academic and Social Success for All Levels of ASD (#8849)

Saturday, July 16, 2016: 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
Studio 1 (New Orleans Marriott)
This session will examine typical school schedules and discuss the plethora of inclusionary opportunities available to students with ASD of various functioning levels. The planning process and necessary steps to take to ensure success will be discussed. Areas of IEP’s that address inclusionary time, and possible language will be presented. The importance of inclusion for school-aged people with ASD cannot be overstated! People are an adult in the social world longer than they are a student.  Preparation for the outside world is imperative and we need to get better transitioning.  Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavior Support is the foundation from which I work.  We will look at creative scheduling techniques for maximum appropriate inclusion.  Such an eclectic schedule can be accomplished with teamwork and collaboration with others.  Strategies and examples of forward and backward chaining, task analysis, environment exposure, sensory regulation, social stories, and video modeling will be presented.   Staff and student safety “outside” the classroom will be addressed.  Discussion of opportunities for peer exemplars is all around with the proper proactive “training” and procedures.  Data driven planning with the social and academic team members is crucial for success.

These are all topics that will be open for discussion, examples given, and video of particular sections will be presented during this session.  These programs can provide students with ASD increased, productive, and effective peer interactions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify opportunities for inclusion available to students with ASD with a variety of functioning levels.
  • Discuss areas of the IEP where inclusion can be addressed.
  • Examine crucial steps and needed information for successful participation for students with ASD.

Track: Lifespan 2 - School Age

Content Area: Education


Shannon Urquhart-Vaught, M.A.
Special Education Area Administrator
Washoe County Schools

Shannon Urquhart-Vaught is a Special Education Area Administrator specializing in Autism Spectrum Disorders. She has worked in public schools since 2002. Shannon works closely with parents, teachers, administrators and community providing successful social and academic programming for students with ASD. She provides professional development for administrators, teachers and service personnel.