Saturday, July 16, 2016: 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
Studio 3 (New Orleans Marriott)
Individuals who present with Asperger's Syndrome and Higher-independence ASD need much more comprehensive information around puberty, sexuality and relationships. This session will help you understand how to teach this information in order to help develop a sense of safety, social appropriateness and avoid engaging in illegal behaviors.
Sexuality and relationship education for individuals diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and Higher-independence autism spectrum diagnoses has been identified as a significant area of need, primarily from the perspective of abuse prevention. While various studies have indicated that there is a disproportionate rate of sexual offenders who present with (or are diagnosed) with an ASD profile, there has been little discussion around what education individuals with Asperger's and ASD need to both stay safe and make responsible choices around their sexual and relationship behaviors.
The presentation will be for both parents and professionals. Learning resources will be provided as well as documented research.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain what information needs to be taught at each age level.
- Recognize the need for sexuality and relationship information from a social learning perspective.
Track: Lifespan 2 - School Age
Content Area: Social Skill
Ryan Wexelblatt, LSW
Center for Social and Executive Function Skills
Ryan Wexelblatt is the founder and Director of the Center for Social and Executive Function Skills. He teaches Social Thinking® and executive function skills as well as sexuality and relationship education. He is currently working on a video curriculum.