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Disabilities and Child Abuse Action Network (DCAAN): A Global Initiative
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Florida Hall A (Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center)
The Disabilities and Child Abuse Action Network is a global initiative to share knowledge about vulnerable children including children with autism across prevention, intervention, research and support groups. This poster identifies: the need to improve awareness and communication about risks and protective programs; lists key resources; and invites readers to search/join Bright Spots, a national collaborative project identifying a community of learners for our children’s protection and success. Information about immediate resources and DCAAN membership will be provided.
Children with disabilities continue to be one of the most vulnerable groups seen within the child abuse and neglect field, representing all cultures and types of handicaps. It is hoped that the
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which went into effect in May, 2008, will help to call attention globally to adaptations needing to be made where their rights have been violated, and where protection of their rights must be reinforced. The Disabilities and Child Abuse Action Network ,DCAAN, with eleven countries already represented at its first international meeting is actively involving others in its mission share information on: 1) AWARENESS of the prevention and intervention issues; 2) TRAINING for children and their families, teachers, law enforcement and protective services; 3) POLICY DEVELOPMENT on reporting, interview guidelines and restraints, advocacy and guardianship; RESEARCH on interventions, school based programs, prosecution, etc., and 4) other concerns. Network links and contact information will be included.
This poster presents an enhanced training and supports program involving children with disabilities and introduces a project to capitalize on what already works identified as Bright Spots.
Since 2006, the NYS Office of Children and Family Services has provided continuous support to better protect children with disabilities, resulting in the ongoing revision and development of the Child Abuse and Disabilities website ( It provides resources, strategies, and online training in a variety of expanding areas and to date has received close to 10,000 hits with 7,500 unique visitors from 103 countries and territories. More than 600 individuals have registered on the site, receiving full free access to peer reviewed articles, video clips, resources and newly developed online training. Interviews with a young person with autism are included. A summary of the components and online sources will be listed.
This poster also introduces a collaborative project (including Hands& Voices, Association of College Educators-Deaf/Hard of Hearing ,, et al) to identify Bright Spots. Project Directors: Harold Johnson at Michigan State University, and Janet DesGeorges, “Bright Spots” are respected and trusted community leaders who participate in a community of learners to share, gather and develop the knowledge, and skills needed to increase awareness, enhance communication and establish programs for the protection and success of our children. Options to participate and locate the community of learners will be available.
Margaret P. Creedon, Ph.D., FAACP
Clinical Psychologist
Autism Research Institute
Margaret Procyk Creedon, a clinical psychologist, is a special projects director for Autism Research Institute, professional advisory panel member of the Autism Society, director of the international Autism Network for Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Blind/Visually Impaired, DePaul University adjunct faculty, charter member, DCAAN (Disabilities and Child Abuse Action Network).