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School-Based Clinic: Pain Perception Delayed Medical Care for a Child with PDD
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Florida Hall A (Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center)
This retrospective case report describes two visits within one academic year, by one nine year old boy, diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD-NOS), presenting to an inter-professional (IP), school- based clinic pilot program. The findings of two specific, consecutive clinic visits are described and discussed. Obstacles to obtaining approporaite medical care for dental abscess are provided.
This case report describes two separate incidents in a child diagnosed with PDD-NOS within one semester in a school based infirmary employing a seasoned and experienced medical team was described. Each visit to the clinic provided growing insight into the inability of this child to perceive pain and articulate the experience of discomfort. Yet, the ongoing inability of this child to effectively function in the classroom with unclear complaints of malaise and discomfort generated further analysis and intervention by the medical team. Permitting this student to stay in the classroom, or inaction was not acceptable as his interactions with others were diminishing and student was demonstrating withdrawal. Several issues are important to consider in this case report.
The findings of thess two specific, consecutive clinic visits are described and discussed. Obstacles in obtaining proper care for what ultimately is discovered to be a severe dental abscess is discussed.In a growing population like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), this topic possesses high relevance and urgency in school based care. Understanding the nature of pain in the school setting is of great importance as children with ASD spend a great deal of their day in school, being observed. The ability for health care providers, teachers and administrators to accurately interpret situations and effectively respond addresses basic needs of safety and risk management in the school setting as well as enhancment of performance and maximal particpation of children with ASD in the school setting.
Ana Mieres, M.S., PT, Ph.D.
Director of Therapy and DME Review
eQHealth Solutions
Dr. Ana Mieres is the 2011 recipient of the Autism Society of America's Cathy Pratt Autism Professional of the Year Award. She is a national presenter on the topic of ASD. Mieres is now serving in a position of senior leadership in a Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) at eQHealth Solutions.
Varina Smallwood, RN, BSN
Nursing Coordinator
Tampa General Hospital
Ms Smallwood is presently involved with the Specialty Clinics at Tampa General Hospital.
Sheila Nicholsen, PT, MBA, J.D.
President of the Florida Physical Therapy Association
Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A.
Ms. Nicholsen is a partner in the practice of Quiantairos, Prieto, Wood and Boyer and is President of the Florida Physical Therapy Association