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The potential negative outcomes and experiences mentioned above are significant reasons to determine what contributes to the development of depression in individuals with AS and HFA. Although there is research on the effects of peer victimization in neurotypical children and adolescents, research is lacking on the effects of peer victimization in individuals of all ages with AS and HFA. Also, while there is extensive research on difficulties in social skills in those with AS and HFA, there is little research on their perception of their social abilities, and subsequently how this self-perception may affect levels of depression. Gaining a greater understanding of variables that contribute to depression symptomotology may have important implications for prevention and treatment of depression in this population.
The learning objectives and goals of this study will be to examine how depressive symptoms in young adults with AS varies depending on levels of perceived social competence and levels of experienced peer victimization. Specifically, this study will examine if self-perceived social competence mediates the presumed effect of peer victimization on depression. This study will also examine if peer victimization significantly predicts depression, if peer victimization significantly predicts self-perceived social competence, and if self-perceived social competence significantly predicts depression.
The following measures are being utilized in collecting data: Adult Self-Perception Profile, Beck Depression Inventory, Relational Victimization Questionnaire and the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale Intelligence. The results show that young adults with high functioning autism report significantly higher rates of depressive symptoms, lower ratings of perceived social competence, and higher rates of experiences with peer victimization in high school as compared to young adults without autism spectrum disorders.
Beck (1996) Beck Depression Inventory, Harcourt
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