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Physical Therapy Case Report:Treatment of a Teenager with ASD and a Patellar Fracture
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Florida Hall A (Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center)
The purpose of this case report is to present some of the challenges and ways to effectively adapt interventions for an individual with ASD status post patellar fracture/dislocation.The poster developed by a student in the Doctor of Physical Therapy at the University of South Florida, includes introduction and background, patient history, examination and interventions, outcomes and discussion. Of specific interest challenges and adapted interventions necessary for success are included.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopmental disorders that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. It is characterized by lack of or delay in spoken language, repetitive use of motor mannerisms, social impairments, little to no eye contact, tantrums, difficulty expressing needs, and persistent fixation on objects. It is a spectrum disorder with no known cure that affects individuals to varying degrees.(2) In 2009, it was estimated that the prevalence of autism is 1 in every 110 births and is considered the fastest growing developmental disability. (1) In a 2008 study of boys diagnosed with ASD, decreased bone density was identified which leads to questions about other aspects of musculoskeletal functioning. (3) With such a large percent of children being born with ASD and presenting with various complications, there is a growing need for physical therapists to be knowledgeable and properly trained when working with this population.
Few studies exist that present behavioral and physical problems while providing physical therapy for individuals with ASD. The purpose of this case report is to present some of the challenges and ways to effectively adapt interventions for an individual with ASD status post patellar fracture/dislocation.The course of “TJ’s” physical therapy treatment was successful due to the adapted interventions and numerous approaches used to treat an individual with ASD. This poster case report includes patient history, examination, adapted nterventions, outcomes and discussion along with pertinent literature.
Melanie Smith, SPT,
Student ,Doctor of Physical Therapy, USF SPTRS
University of South Florida
Ms. Smith is a third-year student in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at the University of South Florida within the College of Medicine.
Amy Benford, DPT
Clinical Instructor
University of South Florida
Amy Benfor, DPT is a clinical physical therapist and also a Clinical Instructor for the University of South Florida. She provided clinical oversite in the case report.
Ana Mieres, M.S., PT, Ph.D.
Director of Therapy and DME Review
eQHealth Solutions
Dr. Ana Mieres is the 2011 recipient of the Autism Society of America's Cathy Pratt Autism Professional of the Year Award. She is a national presenter on the topic of ASD. Mieres is now serving in a position of senior leadership in a Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) at eQHealth Solutions.