The ASA's 38th National Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders (July 11-14, 2007) of ASA

The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa, Scottsdale, AZ

For a complete author index with session numbers, please click here
Friday, July 13, 2007: 1:15 PM-3:00 PM
Merriam A & B
#2465- Single Parenting Plus
Single parenthood is hard even when raising a neurotypical child. Now try two children, one neurotypical and the other on the spectrum ten years apart with two different fathers of varying involvement living in two different states. Creativity, planning and multi-tasking skills are essential! Come listen to and benefit from a lessons learned story of successful (and enjoyable!) single parenthood.

Presenter:Cynthia Moore, Parent, CEO (aka Single Parent Mom) - Cynthia Moore is a single mother of two: daughter age 17 & son age 8 (ASD). Professionally, she is a Vice President for Fidelity Investments. She oversees a group of 40+ associates in 2 different countries & 4 sites who work on projects focused on improving Fortune 500 benefit plans. She is an amazingly skilled multi-tasker, dimensional thinker & project planner. These skills have served her well personally & professionally. Above all, she maintains a positive outlook on life and a health sense of humor. Essentials to living the life of a single mother of two (one with ASD)!
To be drafted & submitted in near future

See more of General Submissions

See more of The ASA's 38th National Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders (July 11-14, 2007)