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9797 The World through the Eyes of a Teenager with Autism

Thursday, July 13, 2017: 2:15 PM-3:30 PM
Room: 103B (Wisconsin Center )
MP3 Handout

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Many teens are testing-out of services yet continue to struggle with understanding the demands and expectations of the environment and world around them. This session presents a first-hand account of life as a teenager in today's fast-paced world. Topics include:  bullying, dating, high-school, executive function, and setting future goals.
Young children with autism appear cute and their behavior is often accepted by their peers and adults. There are many helpful programs and services to assist in shaping and teaching appropriate behavior, sensory techniques, cognitive tips, speech and pragmatic communication skills. However, as children age they often test-out of services and have had therapy ‘long-enough.’ Their behavior and appearance is not so 'cute' any more. Additionally, therapists are often un-trained and/or intimidated when working with older children. Teenagers live in a complex and stressful world full of pressure and stress. Dealing with this fast-paced environment is difficult for typically developing teenagers. When a teen with autism lacks specific skills in social, cognitive, behavior, and sensory areas, he struggles even more than his peers. The result is often depression, feelings of failure, and even giving up on hopes and dreams. It’s important to remember that teens with autism have aspirations for the future as anyone does, yet they often struggle to find the path leading to their goals. This presentation discusses the struggles of a teenager with autism who has lived through great functional difficulties in both home and school settings. It offers a first-hand look at a teenager who possesses exceptional insight and verbal abilities required to explain challenging feelings and emotions shared by so many teens with autism. He reviews strategies he has learned via years of cognitive and behavioral training along with occupational and speech therapy received in specific areas tailored to teenagers.

Attendees may ask questions and engage with the presenter during a question and answer period.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore the challenges facing a teenager with autism, specifically bullying and the desire to be accepted by peers.
  • Explain struggles teens experience with social issues and dating.
  • Recognize importance of setting realistic future goals for teens with autism with focus on the positives.

Track: Life Stage 2 - School Age

Content Area: Subjective Well-Being


Jacob A. Koscinski
The Pocket Occupational Therapist

Jacob is a loquacious and intelligent teen with autism. He has struggled with organization, social anxiety, depression, executive function disorder, and bullying. As a high school junior, Jacob has friends and plans on attending college. He has spoken at local and national conferences and advocates for teenagers with autism.