Movement Method - An Effective Kinetic Learning System, Designed by Autists for Autists. (#9360)

Saturday, July 16, 2016: 10:15 AM-11:30 AM
​Galerie 1 (New Orleans Marriott)
In 2005 Rupert Isaacson went to pick up his autistic son Rowan from the PPCD classroom at his local school; a windowless box where the kids never went outside, On this particular day Rupert turned up early, found the teachers aids sitting, eating chips, drinking sodas, batting away the hands of the kids who were trying to grab their chip bags and soda cans, with Toy Story on a big TV turned up loud to drown out the stims and the screams...

That day Rupert pulled his son from school and decided, without in any way knowing how, to edcuate his regressive autistic child himself. So he looked for mentorship. As a journalist and author, trained to always ask 'whats the other side of the story?" Rupert thought - 'Ok everyone is talking about deficits, disorders, dysfunctions...where are the successful adult autists? Surely those people could show me the way to educate my son - not a bunch of neurotypicals with degrees..."

So he went straight to the most successful adult autist he could find - Dr Temple Grandin - and asked "How does my son become like you?"

Her answer was threefold: "Follow your son's interests, his obsessions, because that's where his love of learning will be found;Do it as much outside as you can, because in nature you have no bad sensory triggers that can block learning; and let him move, move, move as he learns, because most kids on the spectrum are kinetic learners."

So Rupert went home , saw that his therapists were doing the exact opposite, fired them, and followed Dr Grandin's advice. What followed was a journey in homeschooling that not only resulted in Rowan rapidly leaping several grade levels ahead, but which took him and his son around the world - to Mongolia, to Africa, to Australia, to the wildernesses of America.

Now, with his previously non-verbal son running his own web based television series, and a kinetic, experiential learning system structured and systematized into Movement Method, Rupert and his original collaborator Dr Temple Grandin are helping tens of thousands of families make the same educational journey, and are also helping to turn around both special and general ed classrooms in the USA and 13 other countries. Developing curricula from the most basic kindergarten level right through to college level, Rupert collaborates with the University of Texas, University of Belmont Nashville, Queens College New York, Osnabruek University, Germany, Nottingham Trent and Leicester Universities in the UK, the Open University of the Netherlands and a growing number of others, to create experiential learning modules in math, science and the arts that parents, teachers, professionals and therapists can download via the website

Join us for a fun, entertaining hour on this journey through how movement opens up the learning receptors of the brain, and best of all, how to do it yourself! Easily - in your own living room or back yard, tomorrow!

Free yourself from reliance on outside agencies that dont deliver and charge the earth. Break free.

Learning Objectives:

  • Teaching academics while in movement
  • Understanding how movement affects the brain
  • Becoming independent of expensive therapists or schools

Track: Lifespan 3 - Transition

Content Area: Education


Rupert Isaacson
Horse Boy Foundation

Rupert Isaacson is the author of the best-selling book and movie The Horse Boy, which tells the story of his quest to find healing for his autistic son Rowan among the horse tribes of Mongolia after his son became verbal while in the saddle with him. The recently published sequel The Long Ride Home relates the story of the three subsequent journeys that Rupert and Rowan made through Africa. Australia and the Navajo Reservation in the USA, defying what people said autists could not do. Rupert now runs the Horse Boy Foundation which runs an equine therapy program - Horse Boy Method - and a kinetic learning program - Movement Method - that 20,000 families around the world are now using with astonishing results for autistic and other neurologically different children, both in terms of communication and actual academic performance.