One More Therapy? Practical Approaches of Using Clinically Proven Sensory Enrichment Therapy [Sponsored Session] (#9329)

Friday, July 15, 2016: 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Galerie 4 (New Orleans Marriott)
Temple Grandin discusses the importance of enriching the environment for people with autism, but how can parents apply that theory within their own homes? We will discuss practical ways to enrich the environment to decrease stress/anxiety, increase focus/attention, enhance sensory processing, and improve behavior in people with autism.
  • Review of current research on Environmental Enrichment used to help animals overcome from a wide variety of neurological issues
  • Review of 2 randomized controlled trials conducted with children with autism who implemented Sensory Enrichment Therapy as a human model for Environmental Enrichment
  • Description of 6 protocols used by the researchers in the clinical trials that parents may do at home today
  • Description of the online delivery system developed by Mendability to assist families and caregivers as they administer Sensory Enrichment Therapy in their homes.

Learning Objectives:

  • Be able to utilize a selection of 6 Sensory Enrichment Therapy protocols to implement at home to help their children with autism
  • Understand how Sensory Enrichment Therapy acts as an adjunct intervention to accelerate development
  • List the three fundamentals that differentiate Sensory Enrichment from other sensory approaches, such as Sensory Integration

Track: Lifespan 2 - School Age

Content Area: Current Research


Whitney Louder, MOT, OTR/L
Therapy Coach

Whitney Louder obtained a master’s degree in occupational therapy from the University of Utah. She focused her training in pediatrics and has experience in early intervention services, school-based therapy, and sensory integration therapy. Whitney has a deep love of service and has previously developed a volunteer-based handwriting program which continues to provide skilled services for dozens of at-risk youth each year.