Thursday, July 14, 2016: 12:30 PM-1:45 PM
Studio 6 (New Orleans Marriott)
A session with Autism Society's Safe and Sound task force members, firefighter Captain William Cannata, Jr. Retired and police officer Sergeant Jimmy Donohoe, both parents of young men with autism - This session presents information on issues such as wandering, internet safety, disclosure, as well as sharing tools available to parents to be prepared. The presentation is followed by a chance to discuss concerns with Jimmy and Bill.
Track: Lifespan 4 - Adulthood
Content Area: Family and Caregiver Support
William Cannata Jr.
Program Director Autism and Law Enforcement Education Coalition
Captain William Cannata, Jr., Retired, has been a member of the fire service for more than 30 years, and is the Program Director of the Autism and Law Enforcement Education Coalition formed in 2003. He is also the parent of a child with an autism spectrum disorder.
Jimmy Donohoe
Police Officer
Sargent Jimmy Donohoe is the creator of the Take Me Home program, a database where participants who are unable to properly identify themselves register with a photo, physical description and contact information so first responders can interact with increased knowledge when contact with a person with autism occurs.