Top Five Tips for the Balancing the Roles of Parent & Professional (#9093)

Friday, July 15, 2016: 3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Studio 7 (New Orleans Marriott)
Recently, parents of children with ASD are transforming their personal experiences with ASD into professional careers. This workshop discusses the unique duality of parent and professional offers many advantages as well as challenges, with a particular emphasis establishing a strong ethical foundation while maintaining your identity as a parent.

Workshop Activity

Educational Objective Addressed

Introduction: description of educational objectives and setting the agenda for the workshop


Lecture: Review of research into why parents of individuals with ASD are more likely to pursue careers in the ASD field

Identify at least 3 contributing factors to the increase in parents of individuals with autism becoming professionals in the field of ASD


Activity: Participants will complete brief reflection as to why they or someone they know entered the field of ASD after having a child with a diagnosis




Lecture:  Various codes of ethics for typical helping professions associated with ASD will be demonstrated (such as those for educators, counselors, social workers, health care professionals, etc.)

Describe possible tensions and ethical dilemmas that may be encountered by the parent-professional


Discussion: Participants will be asked to find a partner and share tensions and ethical dilemmas they have either faced personally or witnessed

Lecture: Presentation of how to develop a personal ethics guidelines

Describe possible tensions and ethical dilemmas that may be encountered by the parent-professional


Discussion: Facilitated discussion of how the theory translates to real-life situations, especially in terms of message boards, social media, lectures and publications

Wrap up and review of key points.  Evaluation and thanking audience for participation.  Provision of key tools and references for further resources on the topic.


Learning Objectives:

  • Describe possible tensions and ethical dilemmas that may be encountered by the parent-professional.
  • Identify at least 3 contributing factors to the increase in parents of individuals with autism becoming professionals in the field of ASD

Track: Public Policy/Advocacy

Content Area: Personal Perspectives


Maleita Olson, LCSW, BSL
Executive Director
Spectra Support Services LLC

Maleita Olson, LCSW is the founder of Spectra Support Services, LLC. She is a therapist, behavior specialist and Sibshop trainer, with both a sibling and son on the spectrum. As President of ASCEND: The Autism/Asperger alliance for Greater Philadelphia, she frequently presents at local, state and national trainings on ASD.