10 Basic Financial Steps for Special Needs Caregivers [Sponsored Session] (#9033)

Thursday, July 14, 2016: 2:15 PM-3:30 PM
Galerie 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
This workshop will discuss 10 basic steps to help caregivers get started in preparing for the financial future of their dependent with special needs. It will address critical issues as applying for government benefits, creating a Special Needs Trust, the importance of a Will and considering a Letter of Intent. This workshop will discuss 10 basic steps to help caregivers get started in preparing for the financial future of their dependent with special needs.  As a caregiver of a dependent with special needs the single most important issue on your mind, regardless of the age of the dependent, is what will happen to my dependent after I’m gone. There are some needs that will always be present and they must be carefully considered and planned for appropriately.

This workshop addresses such critical issues as applying for government benefits for Social Security and Medicaid, creating a Special Needs Trusts, the importance of a Will and considering a Letter of Intent. Taking these 10 basic steps now can help ensure the type of care and quality of life for a loved one’s well-being today and tomorrow.

At the end of this workshop, participants will know:

  • Five (5) things to consider when preparing for the financial future and life time care of your loved one with special needs
  • What a Letter of Intent is and how to create one
  • Ways to preserve government benefits, such as SSI and Medicaid
  • Who to involve on your team in the planning process for your loved one

Learning Objectives:

  • List 5 things to consider when preparing for the financial future and life time care of your loved one with special needs.
  • Describe what a Letter of Intent is and how to create one.
  • Apply for government benefits such as SSI and Medicaid and list ways to preserve these benefits.

Track: Lifespan 2 - School Age

Content Area: Family and Caregiver Support


Nancy Giraldo, CLTC, LUTCF
Special Needs Financial Planner, Financial Services Representative
MPCG of Louisiana

Nancy Giraldo is a Special Needs Financial Planner and Certified Long Term Care Specialist with MetLife for over 15 years. Nancy is committed to securing lifetime care and quality of life for her special needs clients. With her holistic approach, she helps families navigate financial complexities, ensuring a family legacy.