Kernals of Hope - Discovering Business Ownership (#8922)

Friday, July 15, 2016: 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Studio 10 (New Orleans Marriott)
Be inspired by Joe Steffy as he uses attributes of his Autism Spectrum Disorder to create success in his own Business - Poppin Joe's Kettle Korn. Hear his determination and discover the resources available that helped create his business plan and provide resources to make a dream become a reality. Joe uses an augmentative device to share his story and power point presentation.   He shares his journey through the educational system and being labeled with low expectations.   He shares how he uses his strengths in his business, and the resources and supports that were available for him to get it set up and running.   His success today continues, and his hope is that he can inspire others to not settle for low expectations, but to dream Big - find your strengths - and use them.   He shares the resources available that can help others who want to become their own busines owner.  At the end of the session, there is a question and answer where Joe's family helps field questions to close out the presentation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe three attributes that can be good job skills.
  • List two resources that can assist in Business start up.
  • Compare and contrast the quality of life that being a Business Owner gives.

Track: Lifespan 4 - Adulthood

Content Area: Employment​


Joseph Steffy
Business Owner, Poppin Joe's Kettle Korn
Poppin Joe's Kettle Korn

Joe Steffy is a business owner and advocate who has ASD and Down Syndrome. He serves on the Kansas DD Council and has inspired individuals across the country with his story of success.