The Benefits of Contingency Contracting with Young Adults Transitioning into Adulthood [BCBA Session] (#8893)

Thursday, July 14, 2016: 2:15 PM-3:30 PM
Studio 2 (New Orleans Marriott)
Contingency contracting is an evidenced based behavior intervention that is effective with the general population. In this presentation I will explain how this intervention can effective when utilized by professionals and families with young adults transitioning into adulthood. In working with young adults on the spectrum that are transitioning into independence utilizing contingency contracting is an effect way to invest the young adult in their own goals and the  implementation of those goals.  The design of the contingency contract is based on the study by Mruzek et all, (2007), which will be shared with the group to further their education on the topic of the design, implementation and outcomes of the intervention. 

The design of the contract includes both incentives and outcomes as designed by the student himself.  By having the students decide what the outcomes will be if they do not follow through with their own goals they are more open to accepting the outcome when implemented.   Over time the student respects the process of the contract development and begins to engage in behaviors such as self-monitoring and self-advocacy.  The contract is meant to be utilized in a group design to be implemented and utilized by all members of the team including the student, support staff and parents.  This presentation will show how this strategy can be utilized in all areas of life skills training such as money management, vocational skills, post-secondary skills, social skills, and healthy lifestyle skills.  The goal of the presentation is to excite the listener into learning more about the process and how to appropriately and effectively implement it with individuals that they support.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define strategy contingency contracting and how it is implemented.
  • Describe evidence on contingency contracting.
  • Explain ways to implement contingency contracting with young adults.

Track: Lifespan 3 - Transition

Content Area: Behavior Issues and Supports


Kelly M. Stamey, BCBA
Executive Director
Beacon Transitions

Kelly Stamey is the Executive director of Beacon Transitions, a residential young adult program for individuals on the ASD spectrum. Kelly has worked in the field of ASD for 15 years and has completed her Masters in Applied Behavior analysis at Ball State university.