Call for Papers

47th Annual Autism Society National Conference

July 13 - 16, 2016 - New Orleans LA

The Autism Society’s 47th Annual National Conference and Exposition will be held July 13-16, 2016 at the New Orleans Marriott in New Orleans, Louisiana. Be a part of the biggest autism conference in the United States! If you wish to submit a proposal to present at one or more sessions at our 2016 conference, please note the following important information:

  • Submissions will only be accepted via the Autism Society Online Abstract System.

  • A disclosure form (identifying potential conflicts of interest) will be required for all presentations. Please note the Autism Society conference presentations cannot promote or advertise a commercial product or service without disclosure. All presentations will be permitted at the discretion of the Autism Society.

  • All presenters must register for the conference and pay the appropriate fees no later than July 01, 2016. Registration information will be coming soon.

The Call for Papers has been extended through January 18th, 2016, 11:59 pm PT.

Before you submit

The Autism Society uses People First language; however with respect for those in the community who prefer identity first language, each person / presenter may choose for themselves. When preparing your proposal, keep in mind the audience is professionals, individuals on the autism spectrum, family members and advocates. Your presentation must encompass something for everyone and language should reflect the diversity of our conference attendees.

Steps and Instructions:

  1. 1. Track Selection

    Choose the track most closely related to your submission
    • Lifespan 1 - Birth to 5
    • Lifespan 2 - School Age
    • Lifespan 3 - Transition
    • Lifespan 4 - Adulthood
    • Public Policy/Advocacy
    • Science/Research
  2. 2. Session Details

    The following fields are required
    • Title
      1. Come up with a good, intriguing session title. It�s the first and perhaps only impression you�ll make on a potential attendee. The primary purpose of a title is to get the attendee to read the first sentence of the description. Here is an example of a session title, and how it should be written:

        A Long and Winding Road: An Examination Of the Transition Process for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder


        Peer Mediated Supports for College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

    • Submitter's Email
    • Content Area (choose one)
    • Learning Objectives (maximum 50 words for each learning objective: minimum two, maximum three)

      Craft strong learning objectives. On the submission form it is required that you complete two (2) out of three (3) Learning Objectives for each proposal in your submission. Any submission with fewer than two will be declined. It is crucial that you follow the guidelines for writing learning objectives as described below. There is a limit of 50 words for each learning objective.

      Strong Learning Objectives have three distinguishing characteristics: (1) observable, (2) measurable, (3) must match the content of your proposal as described in your title, description, and content plan.

      Encouragement of using active verbs that indicate what will be taught, demonstrated, or experienced. Here are examples of action verbs: Identify, summarize, list, describe, differentiate, discuss, compute, predict, explain, demonstrate, utilize, analyze, design, select, create, plan, assess, compare, critique, write, apply, demonstrate, prepare, use, compile, revise. The following are three examples of well-written learning objectives using active verbs:

      Participants who attend this presentation will be able to:

      1. List three attributes of autism spectrum disorder.
      2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of night terrors versus nightmares.
      3. Describe three clinical techniques to use when an individual with autism is suffering from disturbing nightmares or having sleepness nights.
    • Description (50 words maximum).

      The description must provide and be reflective of your title and your content plan. A session description should get the reader to say, "Hmm, that sounds interesting." Choose the right words to accurately describe the session, pull readers in and get them to commit to attending the session and see the benefits of the presentation. This description is what attendees will see in the conference program book.

    For Continuing Education Sessions only:

    Select one or more Continuing Education Credits you feel your submission would apply for. Click here to better understand applicable criteria for Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)TM CE Credits.

    • ASHA for Hearing and Speech Professionalists
    • BCBA for Behaviorists - Content this event covers (pick one):
      • behavior analysis practice
      • methodology
      • theory
    • CEUs for Educators
    • CEUs for Nurses and Nurse Practitioners
    • CEUs for Social Workers
    • CEUs for Psychologists
  3. 3. Presenters

    If the people associated with your proposal have submitted with the Autism Society in the past, there is a good chance that we already have the name and contact information you would enter in our database. Type in the last name of the presenter and let us search for it. Select the right name and contact information if we find it for you, or fill it in yourself in the form provided. In addition to contact information, please provide a biographical sketch for each presenter, in 50 words maximum.

    Presenter(s) and co-author listing must include credentials( Ph.D., etc.) Here is an example of a bio:

    Temple Grandin, Ph.D.
    Dr. Temple Grandin is an internationally respected specialist in designing livestock handling systems. She is the most well-renowned individual with autism in the world today. Dr. Grandin is a best selling author and activist.

    Note: presenters submitting a presentation for a Continuing Education session must include a CV/Resume, 100 words maximum

  4. 4. Disclosure

    Provide a disclosure of financial relationships. This is required of all presenters. Submitters may sign the form for co-presenters.
  5. 5. Content Plan

    This description must provide information that is essential to the review process. The content plan should include: details on the content that will be provided and sufficient information to determine how the session contributes to best practice and advances the field of autism spectrum disorders.Presenters who want their session to be considered for continuing education units must clearly describe how the presentation is appropriate for a targeted professional audience. Abstracts are limited 500 words maximum.
  6. 6. Confirmation

    You will have a chance to look over the submission to make sure all is complete.
  7. General Instructions

    Submitting a session proposal is a step by step process. It is recommended that you prepare your written content before in a word document and then copy and paste your content into the appropriate fields. You must complete the first step to proceed to the second step, and so on. Proposals may be viewed and modified at any time between submission and the deadline, using the assigned ID# and password.

    Submitters and presenters will receive automatic email messages with links back to the submitted proposal as proposal is being entered.

    Technical Support

    For help in submitting an abstract online, email Tech Support.

Begin a submission:

Abstract Submission Deadline 11:59pm: 2016-01-01

The Autism Society National Conference and Exhibition is the only event to consistently bring together professionals, individuals on the autism spectrum, family members and advocates each year for in-depth discussions of what�s new in the field of autism and how to improve existing services and supports.

Our typical attendee demographics are 63% professionals (22% educators, 16% BCBA, SLP, OT, PT, Social Worker, etc., 4% medical), 24% parents or grandparents, 8% Autism Society Chapter Leaders, and 5% are people on the autism spectrum.

The national conference brings together the expertise and experience of family members, professionals and individuals with ASD to empower attendees to make informed decisions, advocate effectively and obtain needed services and supports.