Autism Society records most keynote and concurrent sessions at their annual conferences. You can see and hear those recordings by purchasing full online access, or individual recordings.
Registered attendees have free access, please select the button above for the file you would like to access.
Purchase AccessInvestigate the feasibility within the community
Present the idea to a non-profit support group
Apply for funding through grants and donations
Find an appropriate location
Develop a social skills curriculum that focuses on soft-skills and college/work skills
Find highly qualified instructors and paraprofessionals to teach program
Find community peer volunteers to participate and help
Find community partners to enhance the curriculum (Art Therapist, drama teacher, bank manager, personal director, police department)
Social Skills Program Implementation
Evaluation of the program
Presenters will share their experience of building a lasting social skills program within the community that participates and parents look forward to year after year.
Learning Objectives:
Content Area: Social Skills
Mary M. Giusti, Ed.S.
LEA / Special Education Deparment Head Rising Starr Middle School
Expectional Ops
Jenny Bellamy, Ed.S.
Autism Triad Program Lead Teacher. Also, Program Director for summer program
Teacher at Starr's Mill High School. Summer program - ExceptionalOps
Amor Kok, Ed.D.
Counseleor Expectional Childdren's Services Fayette County
Exceptional Ops