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Co-Teaching: Providing the Least Restrictive Environment for Children with ASD
Friday, July 25, 2014: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
201 (Indiana Convention Center)
Federal law mandates that students with disabilities, "to the maximum extent possible", are be educated with their same age peers. This session will provide information about the co-teach model and a variety of teaching tips and how to properly set up a successful co-teaching program within a school district.
Co-Teaching: Providing the Least Restrctive Environment for Children on the Spectrum will discuss Federal law of FAPE and LRE and how co-teaching helps students on the Spectrum meet those guidelines. During the session we will discuss law, differentiation, accommodations, modifications, social skills, inclusionary practices and how to successfully co-teach to children on the Spectrum. With the significant increase of students with Autism in our schools and the crucial need for their social and academic needs to be met in an environment with typical children, co-teaching is an excellent way to meet that need. By the end of the session, participants will be able to understand the federal regulations about inclusion, have a thorough understanding about what co-teaching is and what it is not; how to build a successful co-teaching program in their schools and districts; understand how children on the Autism Spectrum benefit from this practice and some tips on how co-teachers can best serve the individual student needs for maximum social and academic success.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain FAPE and LRE and have a clear understanding of these federal mandates
- Identify and understand the difference between differentiation, accommodations, modifications, and social skills and how co-teaching addresses these areas
- Create a co-teaching program within their schools to address the needs of students with disabilities particularly those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Content Area: Education
Tracey Lindroth, M.A.
Special Education Coordinator
Oklahoma State Department of Education
Tracey is a Special Education Coordinator with the Oklahoma State Department of Education. She has been in public education for more than 20 years. She is on the Editorial Board for JAASEP and an adjunct faculty member at Northeastern State University and the parent of a child with ASD.