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5775 The Autism Collection: A Professional Development Resource

Friday, July 8, 2011: 1:15 PM-2:30 PM
Sun 1-2 (Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center)
Educational outcomes improve when families, schools and service providers work together effectively. Participants will learn how to use the ASD Collection, a collaboration of the Autism Society and the IDEA Partnership, to facilitate dialogue and professional development. The collection provides free materials and resources to assist in fostering understanding of ASD and implementation of appropriate interventions and supports. This session will highlight the Autism Collection, designed to bring research into practice, and discuss the ways participants can implement these strategies. Educational outcomes improve when families, schools and service providers work together effectively. Participants will learn how to use the ASD Collection, a collaboration of the Autism Society and the IDEA Partnership, to facilitate dialogue and professional development.  The collection provides free materials and resources to assist in fostering understanding of ASD and implementation of appropriate interventions and supports.

This session will highlight the Autism Collection, which is designed to bring research into practice, and discuss the ways participants can implement these strategies for professional development opportunities.

The ASD Collection is the result of collaborative work of national organizations, state education agencies, state/national technical assistance and/or comprehensive center providers, and a number of national, state, and local organizations and agencies.  The purpose of the collection is to provide efficient access to and use of current research and materials on ASD, a topic of great importance to the field of education.  Members of each collaborative workgroup represent a range of roles at all levels of the education system as well as coming from geographic locations from across the United States.  Together with the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), these partners form a community with the potential to transform the way we work.

The speakers will describe each of the components of the ASD Collection which includes the following components:

  • Needs of the FieldPractitioner perspectives of current practice, information skills needed by practitioners to serve students, gaps that currently exist, and the processes needed to be in place to support acquisition of knowledge and skills for those closest to the students
  • Essential ElementsCharacteristics that define a community of practice (CoP) focused on ASD; how different stakeholders coalesce around this issue of common interest
  • Guiding PrinciplesUnifying beliefs that are the foundation for our collaborative efforts on the issue of ASD
  • Grounding AssumptionsFundamental assumptions, current dispositions / beliefs, and shared understandings around the issue of ASD
  • Glossary User-friendly definitions of key terms and acronyms associated with the topic
  • Resource Listing – Extensive list of free ASD resources available.
  • Dialogue GuidesModels for conducting interactive discussions on ASD issues across stakeholders, to examine assumptions held, seek common ground, support consensus, and encourage application.  

                  Helping Students with Autism: Tips for Educators

                  Autism Spectrum Disorders: Primer for Parents and Educators

                  Assessing Autism Spectrum Disorders: Guidelines for Parents and Educators

                  The CAPS and Ziggurat Models

                  Positive Behavioral Supports: Creating Meaningful Life Options for People with ASD

                  The Future of Applied Behavior Analysis in Autism Spectrum Disorders

                  Life Journey through Autism: A Parent's Guide to Assessment

  • Power Point & Presenter’s Guide Brief presentation materials that provide basic knowledge and understandings, guided by current research, on ASD.  Currently, PowerPoints and Presenter’s Guides are available on the following topics   


This PowerPoint Presentation and accompanying Presenter Guide provide basic information on the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) including: 

                         Prevalence and Diversity of ASD,



                         Problem-Solving and Potential/Outcomes.

Supports and Interventions

This PowerPoint and Presenter guide provide information about interventions considered to be appropriate for those providing services for children with ASD including:

                         Classroom Routines,

                         Visual Instructions, Rules, and Schedules,

                         Sensory and Emotional,

                         Regulation Supports,

                         Transition Supports and

                         Structured Environment.

Assessment for Eligibility

This PowerPoint and Presenter guide provide information about assessment for IDEA 2004 ASD eligibility and determination:

                         Definitions and Foundations,

                         Process for Determining Eligibility,

                         Evaluation Areas, and Evaluation Outcomes.

Assessment for Programming

This PowerPoint and Presenter guide provide information about assessment for ASD programming including:

                         Domains and Areas of Program Assessment,

                         Assessment/Programming Process,

                         Programming Based on Assessment/Data Collection, and Outcomes of Program Assessment.

Functional Behavior Assessment

This PowerPoint and Presenter guide provide information about functional behavioral assessment for ASD including:

    Legal Definitions and Steps for Functional Behavioral Assessment  

Schoolwide Social Emotional Learning

This PowerPoint and Presenter guide provide information about assessment for schoolwide social emotional learning.

Upcoming PP/Presenter’s Guides include:      

  •   Transition
  •  Assistive Technology
  •  Early Intervention


  • Fact Sheet Brief one-page description of resources available to practitioners and the community in the ASD Collection that will advance work on the Collection topic

The National Community of Practice in Autism Spectrum Disorders works to increase the capacity to provide interdisciplinary, comprehensive, effectively designed programs and interventions.  The resources described are available to cross stakeholder groups including those who live with or support individuals with ASD and their families.  The presenters will also provide guidance and suggestions on how to use each of the components.

Time will be provided for interactive discussion of the ASD Collection and questions.  The speakers will also ask for input on topics for future development.   


Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to identify the resources available through the ASD Collection.
  • Participants will be able to identify strategies to facilitate dialogue across stakeholders using the Autism Spectrum Disorders Collection

Content Area: Education


Mary E. Summers, Ed.D.
AASA Laison to the IDEA Partnership
American Association of School Administrators

Mary E. Summers, Ed.D., is the Liaison of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) to the IDEA Partnership. She is a retired Superintendent from Illinois who served rural and suburban districts for 13 years. Currently, Dr. Summers is assisting in the continuing development of the Autism Collection.

Patricia M. Guthrie, Ed.S.
CASE Laison to the IDEA Partnership
Council of Administrators of Special Education

Patricia M. Guthrie, Ed.S., is a CASE liaison to the IDEA Partnership. Pat is retired from the Warren County Public Schools in Kentucky, where she served as Assistant Superintendent for Student Services and Special Education. Currently Pat is assisting in the continuing development of the Autism Collection.