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5424 Oral Health Screen and Assessment of Children with Autism

Saturday, July 9, 2011: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Sun 1-2 (Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center)

Children with autism have special health-care needs putting them at high risk for developing oral diseases. Dental professionals will learn how to interview caregivers and administer an oral examination to their children. You will be able to assist caregivers to identify nutritional and behavioral risk factors through education and counseling. Emerging research shows that children with an autism spectrum disorder are at a high risk for developing oral diseases, such as tooth caries. The bidirectional impact of nutrition and oral health is well established and dietitians are needed to educate the caregivers of autistic children on disease prevention through lifestyle and dietary modifications. In addition, dietitians can be trained to administer oral health screenings and assessments to identify behavioral and nutritional risk factors particular to children with autism and make referrals to an oral health professional for diagnosis and treatment. This session will show how dietitians can use a pediatric caries risk assessment tool to interview caregivers and perform oral examinations on children with an autism spectrum disorder. Attendees will also learn what resources are required for training in pediatric oral health management.

Learning Objectives:

  • After this presentation, the attendee will be able to administer a pediatric caries risk assessment using a published tool.
  • After this presentation, the attendee will be able to perform an oral examination to identify physical risk indicators.
  • After this presentation, the attendee will be able t0 counsel and educate caregiver on nutrition and oral health.

Content Area: Current Biomedical Research


Alan Gutierrez, M.S., RD
Registered Dietitian
Johnson Center for Child Health and Development

Alan Gutierrez, M.S., RD is a registered dietitian whose longstanding clinical and research interests include behavioral and environmental nutrition, and oral health. In addition to consulting with families affected by an autism spectrum disorder, he provides oral health screenings and risk assessments to children with special needs.