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4728 Autism Support to Go

Friday, July 9, 2010: 4:15 PM-5:30 PM
Reunion B (Hyatt Regency Dallas)
MP3 Handout

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Persons with autism carry their disability with them 24/7. Portable low- and high-tech devices will be demonstrated that increases the ability of a person with autism to participate at a higher level, with greater comfort and with more independence in any environment or event. Models of dignified portable systems will be shown that participants should be able to make or purchase.
Persons with autism and their caregiver’s lives are often disrupted when they want to participate in unstructured activities and events. These activities might include baseball games, football games, festivals, camp, shopping, church and eating in restaurants. Participants will be shown how to make or use dignified low- and high-tech devices/visuals that should allow the person with autism to navigate these activities more successfully and comfortably, even if they are non-verbal.

Research has shown repeatedly that persons with autism can increase their comfort zones in an environment by adding structure, communicative ability, predictability and choice-making ability. Emphasis will be on showing the many dignified portable tools that the presenter made to help persons with autism attend and enjoy such events as Major League Baseball games, church and camp. In addition, there are now many inexpensive high-tech devices and software available that allow structure, choice-making and communicative ability instantly using pictures of the current environment. These portable tools have been purchased and used by the presenter quite successfully. The goal of this presentation is to show these wonderful tools that will allow persons with autism to meet their needs in a dignified manner.

By attending this session, participants will see wonderful resources available today that they were not aware of and may get ideas of dignified low-tech devices that they can make for inclusion in their Autism Support to Go kit for their loved one with autism.

Learning Objectives:

  • The attendees will learn how to make low tech dignified devices to enable persons with Autism to be successful in a variety of public environments and events.
  • Participants will learn about a variety of products made by a variety of companies that enable persons with Autism to participate more successfully and independently in what ever environment or event they find themselves.
  • Persons in the session should will about low and high tech devices that they can make or purchase that increases a person's,with Autism, ability to communicate and be understood in any environment.

Content Area: Life with Autism


Joane Walvoord, M.S., RPED, #1283
Educational Consultant and Registered Diagnostician
Walvoord Educational Consulting and Diagnostic Services

Joane is the co-author of Golden Ideas for Golden Students. Joane presents workshops and sets up best-practices programs throughout the United States, Kuwait and Egypt. Her website,is