The Autism Society Event and Education Recordings Archive

Use this site to access recordings and presentations from National Conferences

Autism Society records most keynote and concurrent sessions at their annual conferences. You can see and hear those recordings by purchasing full online access, or individual recordings.

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Personal Perspectives

Thursday, July 23, 2009


10:45 AM-12:00 PM

Recording files available
Define Me
Sondra K. Williams

1:00 PM-2:15 PM

Recording files available
A Quality Spectrum in Services
Elizabeth A. Mathis, M.A.
Recording files available
Growing Up On the Spectrum: A Panel Discussion
Barb Kavan, Jordan R. Ackerson, Stefan Kavan and Laura Shumaker, Author, Parent
Recording files available
Living with Autism: Perspectives from Real Life
Robert A. Naseef, Ph.D. and Stephen M. Shore, Ed.D.

3:15 PM-4:30 PM

Recording files available
Speaking for Ourselves: Individuals on the Autism Spectrum Panel
Julie A. Donnelly, Ph.D., Brian R. King, LCSW and Julie Brundrick

Friday, July 24, 2009


12:45 PM-2:00 PM

Recording files available
How to Bait the Hook [ASHA Session]
Sondra K. Williams, Adult, with, Autism

4:15 PM-5:30 PM

Dads' Workshop
Lee Grossman and James Ball, Ed.D., BCBA-D
Recording files available
The Third Annual Women's Panel: Redefining Success and Strategies for Achieving
Dena Gassner, Ph.D., student, Judy M. Endow, MSW, Brigid Rankowski, B.A. and Sharisa Joy Kochmeister, B.A.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


10:45 AM-12:00 PM

1:30 PM-2:45 PM

Diversity as a Lifestyle Choice in the World of Autism and Other So-Called Disabilities
Sharisa Joy Kochmeister, B.A. and Jay Kochmeister, M.S.

3:15 PM-4:30 PM

Recording files available
Including Me: Success Stories from Home, School and Community
Cameron Blackwell and Jordan Blackwell