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4357 Autism and Marriage: From Challenges to Coping Strategies to Relationship Enhancement

Saturday, July 25, 2009: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Amphitheater (Pheasant Run Resort and Conference Center)
MP3 PDF Slides Recorded Presentation Handout

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Men and women often look at the same thing differently, and raising a child with autism is no exception. There is tremendous stress on a marriage, althogh reports of an 80% divorce rate are unsubstantiated. This workshop will explore the different perspectives that men and women bring to parenting a child who is not "typical." Men and women will receive guidance and learn to listen and understand each other in new ways. Becoming a parent for the first time changes our identity forever.  There is a balancing act between caring for the needs of children and putting time and effort into the maintenance and growth of ourselves and our relationships. Frequently we must redefine our values and relationships with others.  This transition in the development of family life is challenged even further by a disability or chronic illness such as autism.  “There is a strain on any marriage whenever a baby is sick.  And we always have a sick baby” according to Josh Greenfeld, the father of a child with autism, in A Child Called Noah (1970).
            The kind of chronic stress that raising a child with special needs entails can affect relationships at their weakest points.  This is just as true for families who have “volunteered” by adopting children with special needs or providing a foster home.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2000), 47% of first marriages fail and 57% of all marriages end in divorce.  Although the findings are inconsistent, there is general consensus among experts that while the divorce  rates are comparable, there appears to be more reported marital distress among families of children with special needs (Seligman and Darling, Ordinary Families, Special Children, 1997). 
            Husband and wife together dreamed of a healthy child and now face a life very different from what was imagined.  Overwhelming feelings, both individually and combined, are normal and natural in the situation but very difficult nonetheless.  The needs of a child with autism are often complex and illusive.  Searching to find the cause of a child’s developmental problems and finding the best treatment can be a long hard journey.  Getting wrapped up in the stresses and strains of everyday life, relationships inevitably suffer from lack of attention.  Communication problems, lack of time and energy for personal, marital, and family activities, and social isolation affect many families.  When autism is diagnosed, powerful emotions surface and may put relationships on trial.  How can couples understand each other in the wake of such devastating pain?
            For a relationship that is fragile or unstable disability can be “the last straw.”  On the other hand, challenging life events can serve as catalysts for change.  Some families disintegrate while others thrive despite their hardships.  People can emerge from crisis revitalized and enriched.  Hope for relationships really can spring from the crises people experience when their child has a disability.
            This presentation will cover the following issues:
            1.  Working  to understand each other’s needs.  Family life can be a test of love and resilience, so taking good notes and working to understand each other’s wants and needs are vital to the success and survival of an intimate relationship.  Life has veered from what was expected. 
            2.  Finding alone time together.  While the issues in any particular relationship are complex, it can be a good start to plan time together alone, even if only for a few hours.  In study after study, people who report their marriages to be satisfying describe their spouses as their best friends, and people who are best friends have activities that they enjoy together.  Most people get married, in large part, because they enjoy each other and make each other feel good.  Who would have married their spouse if the last time they relaxed and/or had fun together was months ago?
A close bond between partners can help parents through the rough spots.  Couples can start with sharing a cup of coffee or tea, dinner out, or a movie or concert.
            3.  Taking care of your individual selves.  Your children have conditions that may require lots of care and supervision.  In the struggle to advocate for our children’s needs, our own needs as individuals and as couples get lost.  Many people stop focusing on their marriage, but this never helps.  As hard as it may sound at first, start to think about taking care of yourself and adding some fun and enjoyment into your life even though it can take a long time for this to feel okay.  Take some time for yourself doing things you enjoy.  This can be anything from physical exercise or journaling to just grabbing time to read the newspaper or a good book.
            4.  Reach out.   When possible share the responsibilities at home by working together on chores, childcare, and education.  It is helpful when couples both work to learn about their child’s disability, prepare for and attend IEP meetings, etc.  Get involved in the special needs community if you can.  There’s so much to manage everyday that reaching out to your partner, relatives or friends can help lessen the burden.
            5.  Communicate more effectively.  When a person is in pain he or she may withdraw, or become frustrated and angry.  It’s hard to talk about something we have no power to change or fix.  At times the reactions of couples can become polarized or opposite.  For example, one may notice problems in the child and tend to worry and feel negative while the other holds hope and optimism that in time everything will be fine.  In general, the way out requires working through the painful feelings with one’s partner and arriving at some form of joint acceptance and effective co-parenting strategies.
            6.  When to seek assistance.  Sometimes a mental health professional (a social worker, psychologist, or psychiatrist) can be helpful to you in understanding the needs of the children, yourself, and your marriage.  Some people are reluctant to take this step, but when it becomes hard to function from day to day, this kind of help may be in order.  Just as you would consult more than one specialist for your child if necessary, do likewise for the marriage.  If both don’t agree, then one can start.  Sometimes a change in one partner changes the chemistry of the situation for the better.  It is intelligent and wise to acknowledge the parents’ needs.  Children with autism need positive parents who enjoy life to help them grow to their fullest.  Your family is worth it!

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be exposed to research on divorce, stress, and marital success and happiness.
  • Particpants will learn strategies for coping with the stresses and enhancing relationships while raising a child with autism.
  • Participants will explore the differences between men and women while raising a child with autism.
  • Participants will explore the essential challenges on a marriage when raising a child with autism.

Content Area: Family and Sibling Support


Robert A. Naseef, Ph.D.
Alternative Choices

Robert Naseef is a psychologist and parent of child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). He specializes in family issues with ASD. He has written several books and has co-edited other books on the subject of ASD.