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Brain and Education: Presentation by Travis Thompson
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Amphitheater (Pheasant Run Resort and Conference Center)
Travis Thompson, Ph.D.
Supervising Psychologist
Minnesota Early Autism Project
Travis Thompson, PhD, who is a native Minnesotan, is Prof. in the Department of Pediatrics Autism Program and Faculty Affiliate of the Center for Neurobehavioral Development at the University of Minnesota Medical Center, and Supervising Psychologist of the Minnesota Early Autism Project in Maple Grove, MN. He earned a PhD at the University of MN and received advanced post-doctoral training at the University of MD and Cambridge University (UK). He supervised the first large-scale behavioral intervention program for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in the US in Faribault MN. That project played a prominent role in class action litigation leading to community integration of individuals with developmental disabilities in Minnesota. He has conducted research, clinical practice and teaching at the University of Minnesota, Vanderbilt University’s John F. Kennedy Center and the University of Kansas Medical Center. He has been an invited speaker in 41 states throughout the US and 14 foreign countries.