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Emotional Texture: a View from Within
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Mega Center (Pheasant Run Resort and Conference Center)
This poster presentation uses a series of writings by an individual with Asperger’s Syndrome. The author vividly shares his experiences of fear, joy, rage, longing, and more. The final piece in the series explores the author’s understanding of empathy
An accompanying review of the literature synthesizes current theories and empirical evidence relative to recognition, control, and attribution of emotion in persons with AS and HFA. Techniques to assist individuals with recognition and control of emotions are presented.
This poster presentation uses a series of writings by an individual with Asperger's Syndrome. The series, entitled Emotional Textures, describes the intensity of feeling of a wide range of emotions. The author paints vivid pictures with words to share his experiences of fear, joy, indifference, rage, withdrawal, longing, regret, impatience, and misery. The final piece in the series provides a conceptual understanding of empathy, while underscoring the aloneness of the self-described outsider.
An accompanying review of the literature synthesizes current theories and empirical evidence relative to recognition, control, and attribution of emotion in persons with Asperger's Syndrome and High Functioning Autism. Techniques and strategies to assist individuals with recognition and control of emotions are also presented.
Participants will (a) gain an understanding of the intensity of emotion experienced by an individual with Asperger's Syndrome, (b) gain a basic understanding of current theories regarding emotion recognition and regulation in Asperger's Syndrome(AS) and High Functioning Autism (HFA), and (c) learn techniques to assist individuals with AS and HFA in recognizing and controlling emotions.
J. Ressler Thomas, Rh.D.
Director of Training and parent
Dr. Thomas has worked with and for individuals with a variety of disabilities for 30 years. She is currently Director of Training for Glenkirk, serving persons with developmental disabilities in the northern Chicago suburbs. She holds a doctorate in rehabilitation and is the mother of a son with Asperger's Syndrome.