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3854 Your Dependent with Special Needs, Making Their Future More Secure

Friday, July 11, 2008: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Captiva 1 & 2 (Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center)
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Personal experience and case study information to illustrate the need for appropriate planning will be provided. Information from MetLife's groundbreaking study "The Tom Security Blanket: Children with Special Needs and the Planning Gap" will also be discussed. TBA

Learning Objectives:

  • Gained knowledge of how to make plans and put some initiatives in place to help assure quality of life and lifetime care for loved one or dependent in the event they are not able to do so
  • Provide a better understanding of the issues that are involved in providing lifetime care.

Content Area: Family and Sibling Support


Brian Finn
Assistant Vice President
MetDESK/MetLife's Division of Estate Planning for Special Kids

Brian Finn is an Assistant Vice President at MetLife. Brian is a frequent speaker at national conferences. He is responsible for MetLife's Division of Estate Planning for Special Kids, (MetDESK). Brian has first hand experience in the special needs community. Having three children with special needs has given him a unique prospective on the challenges that other families with similar needs encounter.