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3579 Supports Necessary for A Student on Autism Spectrum to Attend College Using the CIP Model

Saturday, July 12, 2008: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Sun Ballroom 3 (Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center)
MP3 PDF Slides Recorded Presentation

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Presentation will outline the supports necessary for students on the Autism Spectrum to attend college including: social, academic, vocational, environmental and emotional. A unique curriculum will be shared of comprehensive services such as: Intensive Training Modules, College Liaison Assistance, Tutorials, Study Groups & Study Halls, Student Advising, Vocational Internships and Career Counseling, Individual & Group Therapies, Medication Coordination, Social Mentoring, Residential & Independent Living Supports and Recreational Activities. The presentation will outline the supports necessary for students on the Autism Spectrum to attend college including:  social, academic, vocational, environmental and emotional considerations.  Included in the presentation are suggestions for preparing for college and ideas for fostering independent use of community resources and activities. The College Internship Program (CIP) principles of social and emotional growth and acceptance and understanding of self are discussed.  Comprehensive services such as: intensive training modules, college liaison assistance, individual and small group tutorials, study groups and study halls, student advising, vocational internships and career counseling, individual and group therapies, medication coordination, social mentoring, residential and independent living supports and recreational/fitness activities are reviewed. Embedded in the CIP curriculum are classes taught on Theory of Mind, Executive Functioning, Sensory Integration, Human Sexuality and Relationship Development Class, Vocational Skills class, Life Skills Class and Social Thinking Groups. 

Also included is a Reframing Class that assists with the process of executive functioning/emotional regulation.  This pro-social curriculum has weekly and daily themes such as: Rigidity, Perspective Taking, Self-Advocacy, etc.  Themes reflect the aspects and assets of ASD and Learning Differences and aids in self-understanding and structure for the day.

Social Thinking and Theory of Mind classes are presented in individual and group sessions.  Students learn to take perspective on what others are thinking and feeling.  Some topics discussed are:  whole body listening, social inferencing, using memory to facilitate friendship and the “social fake”.  Videos are used as an aid to determine the perspective of other individuals. In the Executive Functioning class we start at the school/business organization skills and work into the ways that these skills merge into all other areas of successful life.  This class also works on apartment organization utilizing pictures/color-coding when necessary. 

The Hidden Curriculum class outlines many social competencies that neurotypicals “just learn” but students with ASD need to be taught.  Skills taught range from starting and ending a conversation, to giving and accepting feedback and compromising and negotiating.  Students practice with scripts in social situations.  Video is employed to give the students real world experience.  Practice with metaphors and idioms are also taught. 

The Sensory Integration class utilizes both lecture and active class participation and includes gross, fine motor movement and sensory activities.  The class sets out to assess each individual’s senses:  tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, visual, olfactory and calming/alerting strategies. 

The Human Sexuality and Relationship Development class explores attitudes and values regarding healthy relationship development with Asperger’s and Learning Differences.  Sexuality education, establishing relationships, communication skills, dynamics of relationships, etc., are all discussed.  Materials are presented in a multi-sensory fashion, including lecture, discussion, review of assigned readings and interactive exercises. 

As part of the CIP model, a vocational program is in place to do skill assessment, career exploration and discussions on workplace culture, etc.  Practice interviews and videotaped mock employment interviews with feedback are used.  Internships are utilized to expand special interests.  Those students not in college are in more extensive internships and possible paid positions.

Another part of the CIP model is the Life Skills program.  In this area students learn to develop and maintain healthy relationships with peers.  Also, students work on their executive functioning skills, learning to maintain an apartment, organize their apartment, and self.  Students learn to do laundry, menu plan, shop, cook and practical food safety.  A very important component to the Life Skills program is to develop independent and group leisure skills. 

Also described in the presentation, important factors in finding a programmatic match are: program approach and philosophy, track record and references, understanding of Asperger’s and Learning Differences, availability of individualized programming, curriculum based, comprehensive solutions, and supported by professionals.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to understand the supports necessary for ASD students in attending college.
  • Participants will be able to understand a curriculum for comrehensive services for students with ASD
  • Participants will be able to understand the other non-academic areas where supports are needed.

Content Area: Transition Planning and Options for Adulthood


Michael McManmon, Psy.D
Founder, College Internship Program
College Internship Programs

Dr. Michael McManmon is a licensed psychologist and has a unique inside perspective as he himself is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. Dr. McManmon is a blog author for Psychology Today and the author of Made for Good Purpose, published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Stephen M. Shore, Ed.D.
Professor at Adelphi University
Adelphi University

Diagnosed with "Atypical Development and strong autistic tendencies" & "too sick" for outpatient treatment Shore was recommended for institutionalization. Non-verbal until four, with support from parents, teachers and his wife, Stephen is now a professor at Adelphi University where research focuses on matching best practice to needs of autistic individuals.