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1524 Autism Network for Individuals with Hearing and Visual Impairments

Thursday, July 14, 2005: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
210 (Nashville Convention Center)
Recorded Presentation

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Annual Meeting of the Autism Network for Individuals with diagnosed Hearing and Visual Impairments. Overview of the international network and transitional updates. Focus on new medical and health interventions and safety information for emergency providers with necessary modifications for blind and deaf students at all levels of the Spectrum. The Autism Network for Individuals with Hearing and Visual Impairments is a special interest group within ASA with family and professional members from 22 countries. The Network holds its meeting at the Annual Conference in response to many requests throughout the year for ways to connect, update and support its membership. The Network also maintains a computer based membership that can provide contacts for parents and professionals possibly within their community. Network lists are available to research programs pending consent or response of the membership.

The Meeting will begin with updates and cautions including the issue that having one impairment does not limit the possibility of a progressive disorder or a disorder in another sensory modality. It is also possible that sensory regulation issues and behaviors related to an individual's autism can impede their progress in using specialized formats for communication and mobility. A review of school placement issues will also address the need for specialized and integrated environments especially for students Asperger's Syndrome and a sensory impairment.

This year's meeting will include a discussion of health and medical intervention issues for persons with hearing and/or visual issues. There is some concern about individuals with autism being appropriate candidates for a cochlear implant; there may also need to be adaptations made to the process of learning to work with a cochlear implant. Families, especially hearing parents of a deaf child, struggle with what they consider another obstacle to communication. Further monitoring of growth rate in children with blindness and conditions which may be overshadowed as symptoms of autism will be presented. Medication for both groups will be discussed as to targets of the intervention. Behavioral indicators and communication in both groups of individuals, hearing and visually impaired, must be appreciated in terms of their communication and relatedness style as well as classroom and workplace demands. Safety issues in seeking intervention in general health care and emergency situations will also be reviewed for both groups to help families be prepared to advise the professionals providing services.

Presenters are always willing to meet with families, therapists and educators to address individual situations, and provide support and possible other contacts.

Learning Objectives: 1.Families with individuals who have autism and a hearing or visual impairment will learn they are not alone and that support and services are available. 2.Families will learn to monitor wellness and function in each sensory modality. 3.Individuals will learn about criteria for certain interventions such as cochlear implants and issues to address with their health care providers and educational team. 4.Individuals will learn the questions to address when considering medication for individuals whose behavioral targets may be related to the combined aspects of their disability and their environment. 5.Individuals will learn to be proactive in providing information to health care providers in general and emergency situations.

Content Area: Family and Sibling Support


Margaret P. Creedon
Consultant - Autism Spectrum Disorders
Michael Reese Hospital

Margaret P. Creedon, Ph.D., FAACP, is an attending staff at Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, and Consultant to various groups for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum, including the ASA Panel of Professional Advisors. She has chaired annual meetings of this Network since its first session and serves as a professional contact.

Carol Schall
Director, Virginia Autism Resource Center
Virginia Resource Center

Carol Schall, Ph.D. has been supporting individuals with autism for 18 years; she is skilled in positive behavior supports and person-centered training. As the Director of the Virginia Autism Resource Center, she has supported teachers, families and individuals with autism and hearing and vision impairments.

Terese Pawletko
Clinical Psychologist and Teacher of the Visually Impaired
Private Practice

Terese Pawletko, Ph.D. is a psychologist and former teacher of the visually impaired. At UNC-Chapel Hill, she served as a behavioral consultant to the CLLC. She worked as a psychologist at the Maryland School for the Blind developing programs for children with autism. She consults nationally and internationally.

Dolores Bartel
Parent Network Co-Director
Autism Network for Individuals with Hearing and Visual Impairments

Dolores Bartel, a parent and co-founder with Alan Bartel, M.D. of the computer based Network for Individuals with Hearing and Visual Impairments. Mrs. Bartel has connected families across the USA through numerous phone contacts. She brings information related to services as individuals advance in age, like her son who is profoundly deaf.