Discover the Professional Au Pair Program, A Childcare Solution for Families with Children with Autism [Sponsored Session] (#9227)

Thursday, July 14, 2016: 4:00 PM-5:15 PM
Galerie 4 (New Orleans Marriott)
Finding a childcare provider with the right combination of training, skills and flexibility can be challenging for families with special needs. During this session, we will explore the U.S. Department of State designated au pair program and the positive impact this intercultural, live-in childcare program has on families with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We will introduce participants to the history and basic components of the Department of State designated J-1 Au Pair program:
  • The Department of State’s program mission will be introduced: “Through the Au Pair program, participants and host families take part in a mutually rewarding, intercultural opportunity. Participants can continue their education while experiencing everyday life with an American family, and hosts receive reliable and responsible childcare from individuals who become part of the family."
  • We will outline the basic program requirements and benefits to host families, au pairs and program sponsors.

We will describe the professional background of PROaupair au pairs and highlight the important ways a professional au pair can make a positive impact on the lives of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

  • Actual host family and au pair experiences will be shared. 
  • Example of benefits include implementing therapy homework, administering medication, tailoring creative activities to individual capabilities, hygiene care and feeding, taking children to therapy appointments, working with the family to achieve developmental milestones, therapeutic stretching and exercises, maintaining a log of daily activities and progress.
  •  An au pair is not intended to replace the services of other special care or education providers (such as therapists or teachers). However an au pair can partner with the U.S. professionals to reniforce therapies and homework outside of the educational or clinical settings.
  • We will also describe the benefits of hosting an au pair on the entire family - peace of mind while at the workplace for parents, the ability for parents to spend more time together, the au pair is available to care for all the children in the family and balance their individual needs.

We will examine how to select the best au pair candidate to fit the unique needs of each family and how to prepare to welcome a young adult from another country to your home.

  • Review of the au pair screening, application and selection process
  • Personality profiles
  • The interview process
  • Preparing to welcome an au pair to your home
  • The special benefit of developing a life-long relationship with your au pair

As experienced host moms, two of our presenters will share their personal experience with the au pair program and highlight the unique cultural benefits of the program.

 We will allow time for a panel question and answer discussion.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the basic components of the U.S. Department of State designated au pair program as well as host family, au pair and program sponsor requirements.
  • Describe five important ways a professional au pair with special needs experience can make a positive impact on the lives of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
  • Learn more about the benefits of the au pair program for families who have children with special needs, including the intercultural benefits the program provides.

Track: Lifespan 2 - School Age

Content Area: Family and Caregiver Support


Steven J. Courtney
Vice President, Field Operations

Steven has over 10 years of executive management experience with the au pair program. Having joined PROaupair in 2014, Steven says that it was the the professional difference at PROaupair that motivated him to join the team. As Vice President of Field Operations, Steven works closely with host families, professional au pairs and the local Area Director field team. Steven's passion is being a part of building amazing host family and au pair relationships.

Mara Work
Program Advisor

Mara Work has broad and deep experience as a Host Mom, Area Director, and Program Advisor. Mara's military family is active in programs that support Army family readiness and she is trained in family resilience. The proud parent of her own special needs child, Mara and her family are also engaged supporters of Jill's House, a Virginia-based charitable organization that provides respite for parents of special children.

Patti Rubel
Placement Coordinator

Patti Rubel has experience as Host Mom, Area Director and autism advocate. She served on the Board of the NOVA chapter of the Autism Society; co-founded a disability advocacy organization - Citizens Advocating in Special Education; and served on Dup15q Alliance’s Board helping fundraise, award grants and hold national research meetings.