Treatment Models for Success: Identifying Similarities and Differences of Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Diagnoses (#9129)

Friday, July 15, 2016: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Galerie 5 (New Orleans Marriott)
Treatment Models for Success: How to Identify the Similarities and Differences of Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Diagnoses, by GRASP Vice President of Operations Lindsay Ryan and President Kate Palmer, is an essential and relevant presentation created to highlight the contributing factors to successful interventions of current treatment models. Treatment Models for Success:  How to Identify the Similarities and Differences of Mental Health and Autism Spectrum Diagnoses, by GRASP Vice President of Operations Lindsay Ryan and President Kate Palmer, is an essential and relevant presentation created to highlight the contributing factors to successful interventions of current treatment models.  The experience of the presenters, as case managers, group facilitators, and in private practice, demonstrates that as many individuals may present with overlapping diagnostic criteria, it is important to make sure that the proper diagnostic tools and assessments are/have been employed to ensure a correct ASD diagnosis, and that diagnoses with similar criteria are ruled out.  The presenters will discuss the diagnostic similarities and differences between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Trauma, Schizophrenia, Personality Disorders, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Depression, OCD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  The understanding of these topics will be in a visual format and accomplished by the explanation of concepts, reference and review of current literature, and concrete examples of GRASP case studies.  An impetus for this discussion is the inclination of the public, and many in the field, to assume that individuals with ASD lack empathy, have little emotive capabilities, have innate violent tendencies toward others, and are non-compliant, among others.  The presenters will determine that these characteristics are most often the consequence of inaccurate evaluations.  As a result of this discussion, people will better understand the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders, recognize the need for comprehensive diagnostic evaluation processes, and have the ability to identify that the correct treatment model will lead to success and increased quality of life.  

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the differences between a mental health diagnosis and a developmental disability diagnosis
  • Describe the assessment tools and evaluation process for ASD diagnosis.
  • Explore and identify treatment models.

Track: Science/Research

Content Area: Diagnosis


Kate Palmer, MA, CCP, CAS
GRASP President/CEO

Kate Palmer is the President/CEO of GRASP, a non-profit organization providing services, programs and support to the ASD Community. Kate has worked with ASD individuals and families for 20+ years in academic, residential and therapeutic settings. Kate specializes in ASD women, trauma recovery, and employment.

Lindsay Ryan, BA, AC, QMHP
GRASP Vice President of Operations

Lindsay Ryan is VP of Operations of GRASP, a non-profit organization providing services, programs, and support to the ASD Community. Mrs Ryan has worked with ASD, mental health, and behavior-diagnosed individuals and families for 12+ years in academic, community, psychiatric, and therapeutic settings specializing in transition, sexuality, and special education.